So many historic, geologic, recreational, photographic, and hunting sites. It will take you several days to see it all!
Kansas hunting options include deer, pronghorn, elk, duck, geese, pheasant, quail, and turkey. Healthy numbers of whitetail and mule deer may be found throughout the state.
Prime Hunting for:
- Deer
- Antelope
- Pheasants
- Coyotes
Hunting Resources:
Our sunrises and sunsets make for extraordinary photo shots. There are many great photo opportunities along the geological sites and along the hiking trails.
Bring you camera and find your shots.
Geologic Sites.
Native Plant Life.
The Prairie is alive with wildlife.
Ring-necked Pheasants stride across open fields and weedy roadsides in the U.S. Males sport iridescent copper-and-gold plumage, a red face, and a crisp white collar; their rooster-like crowing can be heard from up to a mile away. ?
The Greater Prairie Chickens were once extremely numerous on the prairies of North America. Today their numbers are declining because so much prairie has been converted to farmland. They need wide-open prairies to survive. In the spring they carry out a unique mating dance, their strange booming calls can be heard from up to a mile away. ?
The antelope, or more accurately, the pronghorn, is a unique species to North America. Historically, pronghorn ranged throughout the western three-fourths of Kansas and were considered nearly as numerous as bison.
And of course, The American bison, also called the American buffalo or simply buffalo (not to be confused with (true buffalo), is species of bison native to North America. Although the bison are not wild in Kansas any longer, You will find them in the pasture lands of Duff Buffalo Ranch just a short distance away from our airbnb. They give tours and sell buffalo meat cuts.
Several others are prairie dogs, opossums, muskrats, cottontail rabbits, and raccoons. Rodents native to Kansas include mice, pocket gophers, and groundhogs.
Some of our favorite links:
- Buffalo in Kansas
- Smoky Hill Nature Conservancy
- Duff Buffalo Ranch
- Bird watching along the Smoky Hill Trail
Our skies are mostly sunny. We occasionally have late afternoon storms.
Beautiful temperatures most of the time.
Hot Months: July & August
Cold Months: January & February (can be snowy